Putting the Pieces of the Puzzle Together

One of the most frustrating experiences a person can have is to be told that the Bible has all the answers to their questions, but when they try to read it, they end up walking away with more questions than when they began!  The reason is simple:  people have not been taught HOW to understand it - they have never been taught a handful of fundamentals of sound biblical study that will allow the Truths of the Scriptures to speak for themselves.....loudly, clearly.

If you were putting a large, complex jigsaw puzzle together, but didn’t have the box-top with the BIG PICTURE to act as a guide…that would make the task immeasurably more difficult.  Most people would either never take on the task, or if they did, they would get discouraged and give up.

This teaching series will act as a BIG PICTURE guide, designed to be useful to first time readers as well as seasoned believers.  By God's mercy and grace, it will give condensed and concise insight to the message of God's Word....illustrate critical keys to accurate biblical interpretation....replace confusion with comprehension....and provide answers to your heart-felt questions and prayers.  

May your life be filled with joy as you see the pieces of the puzzle fit beautifully together, giving a picture of God's everlasting LOVE and PROVISION, from Genesis to Revelation.

SESSION 1:  Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone

Jesus Christ's standard for his thoughts and actions was "It Is Written".  The Word of God gives us spiritual nourishment and enjoyment.   As students of the Bible, we need to know HOW to rightly divide the Word of Truth.   This session covers 4 Keys to allowing the Scriptures to speak for themselves, as well as the correlation between Genesis and Revelation and what they say about all in between.

SESSION 2:  The Devil's Beginning and Man's Beginning

God's arch enemy - his inception, deception, and final ejection from the picture.  A major Key to resolving apparent Bible contradictions.  God's divine design for man as a 3-fold being of body, soul and spirit.

SESSION 3:  The Fall of Man and the Rise of the Redeemer

The fall of man - the HOW - then, and now.   The singularly significant consequence of the fall of man - spiritual death.  God's eternal solution to the fall of man: a coming Redeemer.  The Grand Subject of the Word of God: man's Redeemer, JESUS CHRIST.

SESSION 4:  The Bible and Science - 3 Sets of Heaven and Earth

The Bible is not a book on science - but when it speaks, it is scientifically accurate.    The scriptural evidence for 3 sets of the heavens and the earth - how it fits with all empirical evidence ever gathered by man, and every scientific discovery ever made by man.

SESSION 5:  An Essential Key to Biblical Accuracy - OIKONOMIA

One Greek word gives a framework for the entire history of man.  When understood, it allows a student of the Bible to reconcile otherwise irreconcilable contradictions.  Grasping the fundamental differences in administrations (periods of time) in God's Word is essential in rightly-dividing the Word of God.  We must get "TO WHOM" correct.

SESSION 6:  The Righteous Requirement for Redemption

Another Key to rightly dividing God's Word: how to accurately and harmoniously apply Scriptures that are not written directly TO US, but are written FOR our learning.  THE righteous requirement for the Redemption of man, traced throughout the Word of God and the history of man.

SESSION 7:  OT Overview - What the Law Could and Could Not Do

Simplified overview of the 39 books of the traditional Old Testament.  Five things the Law could never do.  In spite of what the Law could not do, some biblical reasons and godly purposes for the giving of the Law.

SESSION 8:  The Earthly Life and Ministry of JESUS CHRIST

The earthly life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ - his conception, his youth, and his ministry to Israel.  Some immutable Truths that he taught, true then, true always.  His fulfillment of the law and the prophets.  His fulfillment of Genesis 3:15.  His fulfillment of the Will of God:  who he was and who he is.

SESSION 9:  It's ALL Truth - Some Literal and Some Figurative

Another critical Key to rightly dividing the Word of Truth: Figures of Speech.  How to determine what is to be taken literally and what is to be taken figuratively in God's Word.  A brief examination of 2 specific figures of speech used in the Bible.

SESSION 10:  The Spirit of Truth - the "ALL TRUTH"

Jesus Christ repeatedly pointed to something coming, something even greater and more advantageous than his personal presence on earth.  The coming of the Comforter, the spirit of truth.  The greatness of the fullness of the "all truth" that the spirit of truth would guide us into.  The revelation of "the mystery" as revealed in the Church Epistles.

SESSION 11:  Overview of ROMANS

The FOUNDATIONAL Church Epistle, addressed TO all born again sons of God.  Theme: The one who is made righteous through believing shall LIVE.  Our spiritual DNA: Divine Nature Attributes. Doctrinal truths as the foundation for personal  transformation.

SESSION 12:  Overview of 1 CORINTHIANS

Reproof of practical error that enters the lives of believers when they depart from the right doctrine laid out in the Book of Romans.  Carnal-mindedness vs spiritual-mindedness.  Sonship is a given, but fellowship is not.  The Lordship of Jesus Christ is the central solution to all practical errors addressed.

SESSION 13:  Overview of 2 CORINTHIANS

Continued reproof of practical error due to departure from right doctrine of Romans.  A focus on "the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort".   The example of the Apostle Paul in overcoming troubles and temptations.  God calls us to His side to comfort, encourage, exhort, restore, strengthen.

SESSION 14:  Overview of GALATIANS

Correction of doctrinal error that enters the lives of believers when they depart from the right doctrine of the Book of Romans.  God's GRACE is under attack, along with the believer's freedom in Christ.  To exchange our freedom in Christ by GRACE, for the bondage of the law by WORKS, is spiritual idiocy.

SESSION 15:  Overview of EPHESIANS

The paramount doctrinal epistle to the church, revealing the Mystery concerning the One Body of Christ.  Believers of both Jewish and Gentile background are not just dead and risen with Christ, but called to be members of the same body, TOGETHER, with Christ as the head.  The calling is spiritual, the practical application is life-changing.


Reproof and correction when believers depart from the right doctrine given in Ephesians.  Philippians provides insight into how like-mindedness was lacking in the lives of the believers, as well as those responsible to serve them.  Colossians points out doctrinal errors due to demands not in alignment with CHRIST, the Head of the Body.

SESSION 17:  Overview of 1 & 2 THESSALONIANS

Doctrine focused on the Hope of Christ's Return.  Believers received the Word in much affliction, remained faithful to live it and speak it boldly to others, in spite of persecution. The comforting and encouraging good news is that Christ will gather all born again believers together to meet him in the air, and forever be with the Lord.

SESSION 18:  Summary - Read and Feed Yourself the Bread of Life

Summary of the Big Picture and review of major Pieces of the Puzzle.  Closing exhortations on maximizing the nourishment and enjoyment of feeding yourself the Bread of Life, and growing in your experiential knowledge of the Word of Truth.

PDF:  Keys to Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
PDF:  General Topical Outline to 7 Church Epistles
PDF:  Translation Comparisons
PDF:  History of the English Bible